F・リスト200年の祈り 震災復興支援国際交流演奏会


川久保 彬子

Akiko Kawakubo, Piano(かわくぼ あきこ:ピアノ

1998年 PTCピアノコンクールで優勝し、大阪シンフォニーホールで演奏する。
2007年 ポーランド、ショパン音楽院でのマスタークラスにてブロニスワヴァ・カヴァラ氏に師事。
2008年 渡仏し、Conservatoire de Saint-Cloudに在籍。アンクザ・アプロドュに師事する。
2008年 ナンシー音楽祭にてアンリ・バルダに師事。
2009年 ルーマーラン国際コンクール3位。

現在、Consevatoire de Boulogneにて、ミカエル・エルシェイドに師事。

Born in Japan in 1983.

In 1998, she won the first prize at the PTC piano contest and played at the symphony hall in Osaka.
Guraduated first from the Piano course of Doshisha women's college, which allowed her to play at the college's graduate concert as well as at the western japan graduate concert.
In 2007, she took part in a short master class program in Chopin college of music in Poland and studied under professor Bronislaba KAWALLA.
In 2008, she went to France and studied under professor Ancuza Aprodu at conservatoire de Saint-Cloud.
While in Paris, she played Mozart's Concert for Two Pianos together with professor Ancuza Aprodu accompanied by Saint-Cloud Orchestre.
In 2008, she studied under professor Henri Barda at Nancy musical institute.
In 2009, she won the third prize the Loumarlin International Piano Contest.
Currently studying under professor Michael Ercheid at Conservatoire de Boulogne.

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